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Blacks BBQ, Lockhart, TX

 1/2 lb. of fatty brisket and 1 beef rib. Brisket texture, color and tenderness is exceptional. Flavor is mediocre. Same with the rib, except the rib had a note of bitterness from the smoke, something that does not happen with a pellet smoker. 60 bucks with tip. Is it worth? No, unfortunately. And it was one hell of a long trip. Buy a prime brisket or prime rib plate and do it yourself.

Best Western, Lockhart. Nice place, 113.00/night. Next door to Photo Hong, a Vietnamede restauart that has great food. Pho and 2 spring rolls to go for 18 bucks. Very good.


  1. 60$ and disappointing, that sucks. Lockheart is known for sausage. Look for texas german sausage.

  2. Well it looks good.


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