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Showing posts from 2022

Why Is This A Desert?

Overcast and chilly all day, then some rain this afternoon. I think the "desert" moniker is false advertising. The campground host is here from Saskatchewan and she is even commenting about the cold temperature today. I did make a trip into Nevada today so racked up another state traveled to by motorcycle. That brings the total for me to 43 and 34 for DR, I think. And coming up on 23,000 miles since starting this trip in June. Added another day to my time here, then will be heading to Death Valley. No doubt, it will rain there. If I stay here another month or so, California will be selling water to Colorado😑 States Visited By Motorcycle


 Left Alamo Lake State Park, near Wenden, AZ this morning with lots of wet gear and a rather foul disposition. Last night brought a heavy ten hour rain. This morning, the rain stopped, leaving behind a heavy overcast, fog and quite cold temperatures. Riding pretty much sucked. Weather began improving as I got close to California. Nice by the time I arrived at Needles and I got all the gear dried out. Still have laundry to do. Here for two days which will give me time to plan the next leg. New helmet is fantastic and the electrical tape at the top of the visor works great.

Next Leg Of The Journey

 Yesterday, I bid farewell to Skip, Kelly and Company.  I cannot thank them enough for their hospitality, motorcycle tours, and, of course, taking me for the best tacos in Tucson😉 Looking forward to meeting up again in Laughlin. Santa was spot on this year and brought me a Shoei Neotech helmet that is excellent! Being modular, I can eat chocolate chip cookies while riding down the highway. Thanks for the cookies Kelly! I am at Alamo Lake State Park for two days, and will be heading into Nevada tomorrow. While here, I stopped at a food truck in Aquila, AZ and had my first buche tacos. Fantastic! The little piggies give us so much 👍

Stoic Insight As The Year Ends

  Countdown to New Year New You On Christmas Day in 1776, George Washington faced one of the most difficult moments in his life. The Revolution was at its lowest ebb. The troops were freezing and hungry. Many even lacked proper books. And now, they would have to cross the Delaware River in a desperate gamble to surprise the British. How had things gotten so bad? Why was their luck so poor? Why had so much suffering been visited upon the limited supply of troops? Washington wasted no time with those types of questions. As he wrote in a letter to Robert Morris that Christmas Day, “it is in vain to ruminate upon, or even reflect upon the Authors or Causes of our present Misfortunes.” Instead of looking backwards, Washington said, “we should rather exert ourselves.” Focusing on how to  respond ,  Washington launched the daring attack on the British the next day, which turned the tide of the Revolutionary War and eventually, secured the future of a new nation. This mindset is ...

Merry Christmas!

 Merry CHRISTmas, as Joel pointed out, to everyone! Stay warm, be grateful for everything we are given.

Great Ride With Skip, Bob and Ron

 230 mile ride through Tombstone and down to Whitewater Draw, an Arizona wetland full of Sandhill Cranes.  My first extended ride on a GS. The boxer engine is a masterpiece. Rever Map

Winterhaven Christmas Tour

 A brief tour of the community of Winterhaven. They take Christmas decorations very seriously here! 

Going To The Dark Side?


Last Night

 Mars, Jupiter and Venus at sundown, and possibly Mercury. Beautiful day today but getting chilly now .

Another Morning...

 Will be here a couple more days, so getting walks in while I can. Walking will build an appetite for afternoon tamales.

Morning Hike

 Desert seems to be endless. Nice today and staying in the 40's tonight, which is a nice improvement. Palo Verde